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The role of health law, bioethics and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world

The role of health law, bioethics and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world / 1st Biennial Seminar in Health law and Bioethics ; ed. Paula Lobato Faria ; [org.] Fundação Luso-Americana. - 2st ed. - Lisbon : FLAD, 2013. - 182, [1] p. ; 24 cm. - Contém bibliografia. - ISBN 972-98811-4-6

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from these authors: Biennial Seminar in Health law and Bioethics. 1. Lisbon. 2005 , Paula Lobato de Faria , Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento

about these subjects:
57(042) (matemáticas, física, química, biologia, ...)
614.253(042) (medicina, engenharia, tecnologia, ...)
17.02(042) (filosofia, psicologia, ...)
061.3 (generalidades, obras de referências, bibliotecas, ...)

from this publisher : FLAD