The Portuguese National Bibliography is a current bibliography that records the Portuguese publishing output since 2002. It is a daily updated service that reuses the bibliographic records of the publications delivered in the National Library of Portugal as legal deposit.
The first number of the Portuguese National Bibliography print edition was published in 1935, under the title Boletim de Bibliografia Portuguesa [Portuguese bibliography bulletin]. In 1988 it was interrupted, and in 1995 restarted being published in CD-ROM, under the designation of Portuguese National Bibliography. It was published twice a year until 2003, including cumulated records from 1935. From 2003 to 2009 a new version was available online, including all the records first available in the CD-ROM. It was updated three times a year.
The present Portuguese National Bibliography, available since 2016 and with bibliographic records since 2002, offers new functionalities that allow users to explore the national publishing production and make it a useful service for libraries, publishers, booksellers, statistical organisations and general users.
Bibliographic records of monographs and serials published in Portugal between 1935 and 2001 can be found at the National Library catalogue and are available as XML files in Dublin Core, MarcXchange or MODS, from the OpenData service of the National Library (